Arriving In Allicante And At The Costa Blanca

Arriving In Allicante And At The Costa Blanca

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Murcia is easy to locate on a map of Spain. This is because of its proximity to the Costa Blanca as well as the association that it has with the salt swamps in the area. Its capital city has the same name as the province and within its boundaries, there is a lagoon called the Mar Menor (or small sea) separated from the Mediterranean by the Manga, a stretch of land which looks like a sleeve and is sandy. Next the land curves around a peak and the important city of Cartagena can be seen distinctly; when you are near exiting the province you have a fantastic beach resort area and city called Aguilas near Torrevieja. This region of Spain is known to have very hot summers, many a day reaching temperatures as high as 40 degrees while the winters are mild and not very long. It is best described as having a very dry landscape on the interior areas but has managed to be known to have fertile 베트남황제투어 land for producing vegetables and legumes.

We Shall See When We Get Murcia

You can come in either to the airport that is in San Juan for a short 30 minute drive to arrive at the actual city or you can fly into Alicante which is just a short 40 minute drive from the city. Determine which will give you the best rates on flights as well as car rentals so as to best plan your trip. When you do arrive your lodging will be waiting for you to take advantage of it.

The first thing that you will want to see when you get there will be the Cathedral which is a magnificent blend of architecture that mixes designs from five different centuries. There are many other architectural delights for you to see as well.

The Sanctuary of Fuensanta is from the 18th century and is in homage to St Murcia. During Easter and the festival a statue of the saint is carried around in honor of the holidays.

Good Food And Good Times In Murcia

With many different festivals happening all of the time you will always find much good food and times while you are visiting. Two of the biggest occur during the week of Easter as well as another festival in the spring that demonstrates all of the great culture of the area.

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